

12 Scams of Christmas: Amazon impersonators targeting shoppers

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(KERO) — If you order anything from Amazon this holiday season, be careful of emails or calls about your account.

Amazon impersonators are targeting shoppers and they have different ways of tricking you into sending them money.

These scams work because of how many people order from Amazon.

And while you may think these phishing emails, calls, or texts are obvious, these impostors were able to steal millions of dollars from customers in just the last year.

They give many different responses as to why your Amazon account has been compromised and why you need to pay them money.

In one variation of the scam you’ll get a notification that your account has been hacked.

The only way to protect it is to buy gift cards and share the number and pin on the back. Or you may get an email or text about an unauthorized purchase on your account.

The phone number connects you to a phony Amazon rep who says they issued a refund but sent more than promised, so what they want you to do is send them money to cover the expenses they allege you owe.

They trick you into giving them remote access to your phone or computer, have you log into your banking app then help themselves to your money.

There are texts about fake raffles asking you for credit card information to pay for “shipping” or customers in need of assistance google Amazon Customer Service and accidentally call the wrong number.

They will actually answer the phone and say, Amazon, and it’s not their customer service. According to the Federal trade Commission,1 in 3 business impersonators pretend to be with Amazon.

96,000 people reported being targeted and reported losses totaled $27 million.

Some tips

Never click any links in emails and if you receive a call, hang up and go directly to the company’s website.

And you’ll never need to give someone remote access for a refund or send someone else gift card numbers or pins.