

Top 5 apps that save you money

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When many think of saving money, they think of creating a budget, and balancing your checkbook, which can be tedious. In this technological age, applications are making it easier than ever to save.

 1. Mint

This free app helps you create a budget and stick to it. The app shows you where you're spending your money with easy to read graphics and also gives you tips on improving your credit score. It also lets you know if any unusual charges pop up.

2.  You Need A Budget

While this app itself is free, it is paired with a $60 software for your desktop computer. The app syncs real time with your spending. It is detailed and creates a new way of thinking, where you use last month's income.

3. Gas Buddy 

It's an expense we all have to pay, but with this free app you can easily find where the cheapest gas in town is. It also allows you to report local gas prices to help others find those deals.

4. Onavo Extend

Most of us are on a data plan, which means we have to carefully track our data use, so we can avoid hefty overage fines. With this free app you not only save on your data use, it compresses your data, but it also shows you how much data you've used and with which apps.

5. Bill Tracker

This iOS app does exactly what it's name indicates, tracks your bills. It alerts you when payments are coming up and what the total is. It's $2.99.

For more apps that will save you time and money check out