

Bakersfield Fire Department releases 4th of July drone video


The Bakersfield Fire Department has release drone video that was shot during the 4th of July.

BFD Fire Drone 3 was launched for it's shakedown flight on July 4, 2016. As we've noted before, the purpose of this initial mission was to enhance BFD incident command and situational awareness during that evening prior to 2045 hours (8:45 p.m. PDT), and as an evaluative process for determining functionality, hardware and software interface, video and still photo feed quality, and practicality for fireworks related enforcement missions as well as future day-to-day Fire Department operational deployments.

Frankly, we're very impressed with what we've seen. We'll be offering a very short video clip here via BFD social media within the hour, edited to include the general, representative capabilities of the unit. Please keep in my mind that LOIS was operated outside the 5-mile FAA no-flight radius of Meadows Field (FS 14), and was on the ground, in accordance with FAA regulations at around 2035 hours (8:35 p.m. PDT), before the major fireworks activity really began. We have much more raw video footage, but we wanted to offer the following short clip for our interested followers.

src="" width="500" height="281" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true">