A report released yesterday by the Trust for Public Land ranked Bakersfield's parks system in a tie for 71st out of the largest 100 cities in the U.S.
The report can be seen here.
Bakersfield's in-depth report can be seen here.
One of the areas where the city struggled was under "access." Bakersfield got dinged for not having enough parks within a 10-minute walk of most residents.
However, officials think that the numbers don't tell the whole story.
"We have a very low density," said Diane Hoover, director of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks.
"We're not piled on top of each other. We're spread out, so our parks are spread out."
In other words, a city like San Francisco is going to get a higher park score because their city is so dense and nearly everyone is near a park.
Bakersfield is currently working on two expansions to current parks that will equal over 200 acres of park land. They're also opening a new dog park at Mesa Marin Sports Complex.
The parks department will also be hosting multiple events this weekend: you can find them here.