

Decision made on preferred HSR Bksfd station

and last updated

Bakersfield City Council met with the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) to discuss potential alignments that would connect the high-speed rail from Shafter to Bakersfield.

One location would be located on F Street and Golden State Avenue, which is the locally generated alternative.

"It's less costly, quicker, less of a visual obstruction. It is in almost all ways we think the better of the alignment under consideration," said Bakersfield City Manager, Alan Tandy.

The second would be at the Amtrak station on Truxton Avenue, making the station a hybrid location. 

"I don't want all those extra cars and pollution on our downtown roads," said Adam Cohen, UC Berkeley Transportation Planner and Researcher, who is also a Bakersfield resident.

In the end, the board unanimously voted for the F Street and Golden State Avenue location.