BAKERSFIELD, CA. — This week CSUB will host its 4th annual Pride Week to support the LGBTQ+ community on campus.
“I like having a pride week I feel like it just improved everything so much to have a pride week," Allie Page, LGBTQ+ community member.
The week will include activities like kickboxing out hate and an ally rally.
“Our ally rally is this environment that brings people together and we have a panel of people in the community that come together to talk about what it means to be an ally and how can you be an ally," Dr.Bre Evans-Santiago, CSUB teacher
Yaritza Castro, a student at CSUB, shared with us what it means to be an "ally" of pride week.
“When I went in I noticed everyone presents themselves and states their pronouns, so you state your name and you state your preferred pronouns, which mine is she/her, I have it here on my button and its a way for us to know what everyone’s preferred pronouns are so we make them comfortable in our space," said Castro.
Here is a list of the upcoming Pride Week events: