Paying it forward for Kern County's veterans, Big Popy's Deli in Downtown Bakersfield are raising funds to send veterans to Washington D.C.
Honor flight Kern County is a huge non-profit organization in the area.
The organization flies Kern County veterans to Washington DC to see the memorials that have been built for them and their service.
Honoring our veterans, a BBQ fundraiser at Big Popy's deli in downtown Bakersfield! Come on out at 11am before they sell out!
Posted by Thuy Lan Nguyen 23ABC on Saturday, March 19, 2016
For those who attend the fundraiser, they will enjoy eating some barbecue, ribs, tri-tip, chicken and sandwiches.
The fundraiser will be held from 11am- 6pm this Saturday.
25 percent of the sales will be donated to the organization.
If you don't have lunch plans, this is a great event, because you can also support our troops past and present.
The restaurant is located on 1927 20th St. in Bakersfield.
To learn more about Honor Flight Kern County, visit