On Thursday the Department of Motor Vehicles is reminding Californians of three new traffic laws taking effect July 1.
Private Carriers of Passengers (SB 19, Hill): transfers regulatory authority over the Private Carrier of Passengers Program from the California Utlilities Commission to the DMV. The DMV and California Highway Patrol will work together to enforce the new law.
The DMV will issue certificates intrastate authority and verifying insurance, while CHP regulates compliance and safety operations. The DMV says this law will ensure private carriers driving passengers in California operate safely and maintain insurance.
Another law is (SB 20, Hill) which requires passengers in a bus to wear a seatbelt. Children between the ages of 8 and 15 traveling on a bus must wear a seat belt or be in an appropriate restraint meeting safety standards. A violation is punishable by a fine.
The third law is (AB 2687, Achadjian), prohibiting driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04 percent or more from transporting a passenger for hire. The DMV says this lowers the legal limit from 0.08 to the same standard for commercial drivers.
For more information about DMV’s online services, scheduling an appointment, applying for a federal compliant REAL ID driver license or identification card, visit www.dmv.ca.gov [dmv.ca.gov]