BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Due to potential wildland fire danger, The Bureau of Land Management Bakersfield Field Office is issuing fire restrictions to certain areas.
The BLM-managed public lands affected by the restrictions are in eastern Fresno, western Kern, Kings, Madera, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare and Ventura counties.
These fire restrictions will also affect recreation areas including the Carrizo Plain National Monument, Chimney Peak, Kennedy Meadows, Keysville, Lake Isabella, San Joaquin River Gorge and Three Rivers.
BLM says the following restrictions will remain in place until fire dangers subside:
- No tools powered by internal combustion engines off established roads or trails (such as chainsaws or lawn mowers).
- No motorized vehicles off established roads or trails.
- No shooting using incendiary, tracer, steel core or armor piercing ammunition. No steel targets allowed – hot bullet fragments, exploding targets and metal from recreational shooting can spark a wildfire. Hunters are allowed to use steel ammunition.
- No smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, or at a developed recreation site, or other designated areas.
- No fireworks, including “safe and sane” fireworks.
- No welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame.
- No use of explosives.
- No campfires, barbecues or open fires, except in a developed campground. Portable stoves with gas, jelled petroleum, or pressurized liquid fuel are authorized with a valid California campfire permit available free at all BLM, Forest.
Nearly 90 percent of wildland fires impacting BLM-managed public lands in California has been human caused over the past decade.
Individuals who spark wildfires, intentionally or unintentionally, may be held responsible for fire suppression and repair costs.