BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Although it's been an annual tradition, 23ABC has learned that North High currently has no plans for grad night this year.
According to the high school's principal, Mark Balch, the decision was made based off a lack of interest from students. In previous years, grad night featured a trip to Disneyland.
Balch went on to explain that for grad night to happen, a minimum of 100 tickets needs to be purchased. Last year, the school reportedly saw a decline from 50 to 70 purchased tickets. Balch says he's announced his decision to cancel grad night multiple times throughout the months to seniors at school meetings.
After 23ABC inquired about the canceled grad night, Balch told us that the school has now made accommodations for nearly 20 of its students to join Shafter High's scheduled grad night. Balch did tell us that only one parent made a complaint about the school canceling grad night.