BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — After 76 years of missing in action, the remains of a World War II marine will be returning to Bakersfield Thursday.
The remains of Private First Class Joseph Robert Livermore will be flying into Los Angeles International Airport at about 6:40 a.m. tomorrow, according to the office of Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.
From there, a funeral procession for Livermore, who was killed during Operation Galvanic in November 1943, will be making its way to the Historic Union Cemetery in East Bakersfield.
Darrell Feliz, Livermore's nephew, says his family is full of anticipation.
“I feel so happy for my grandmother, who lost him when he was 21 and really had no closure," Livermore said. "Well this closes it for the family, it’s very important.”
Livermore attended East Bakesrfield High School until Fall of 1940.
Shortly after he enlisted into the Marine Corps.
When he was killed in the the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands, his body was buried in a divisional cemetery, which wasn't located until July of 2019.
On Friday, a formal funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. at the Union Cemetery, according to Grove's office.