

McCarthy, Walgreens team to fight Opioid abuse


House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy made an appearance alongside Walgreens Corporate Operations Vice President, Robert Valencia today.

The pharmacy is introducing a new program to fight Opioid abuse at select 24 hour locations across the nation.

"We've now installed a drug take back kiosk that allows patients to dispose of those drugs safely," said Valencia.

Patients can go to their local Walgreens location, speak with a pharmacists about their prescribed medications. The pharmacists can then recommend which medications aren't necessary to an individual. 

He added, "We know that's an epidemic of Opioid abuse. We need to help reduce that. We know that we can and will try to help resolve the issue."

McCarthy wrote a column in regards to the issue this month. 

According to the Center for Disease Control, 78 Americans die every day from painkiller abuse.

McCarhy wrote "these numbers have a real human cost, and Opioid addition affects every race, gener, and socioeconomic level in America."