TEHACHAPI, Calif. — Superintendent Stacey Larson-Everson announced that Tehachapi Unified School District schools will be closing on Wednesday, March 18th amidst concerns over the coronavirus.
On Sunday night, Dr. Mary Barlow, Kern County Superintendent of Schools and Matt Constantine of Kern Public Health, recommended that all Kern County K-12 schools, preschools, and charter schools close temporarily, no later than the close of school on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. We are further recommending that Kern County public schools plan to reopen no earlier than Tuesday, April 14, 2020.
In a statement posted on the district's Facebook page, Larson-Everson said "In alignment with these County recommendations, Tehachapi Unified School will be closing on Wednesday, March 18th and anticipates re-opening on Tuesday, April 14, 2020."
Schools in Tehachapi were closed Monday due to weather.
Larson-Everson added: "I understand how frustrating, confusing and concerning this community-wide COVID-19 event is. As we transition over the next two days to an extended school closure, additional information will be forthcoming. Thank you for your patience and understanding."