

Tehachapi wants visitors off private property


It was standing room only at a meeting on Monday night in Tehachapi, full of residents concerned about visitors coming to play in the snow on private property.

The Kern County Sheriff's Office hosted the meeting to try to come up with a solution after it snows. Residents say Tehachapi gets flooded with visitors that not only trespass but damage their property.

Property owners at the meeting say some visitors have cut down fences, left dirty diapers, and parked on private driveways.

Tehachapi doesn't have a designated snow park and much of the land is privately owned so when it does snow, the visitors have nowhere to go and building a snow park is not that easy.

All of the residents say they have “private property” or “no trespassing signs” on their land but that the signs always get ignored.

Tehachapi residents say visitors wanting to go to the snow can visit the Facebook page called “Tehachapi Snow Days” for a map of where it is legal to play.

For now, KCSO says there is no designated place for visitors to play. Anyone found playing on private property could be cited, towed and even arrested.