BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — For the first time, the annual report released by the Racial Identity Profiling Advisory Board includes an analysis of stop data. Throughout the nearly 100-page report, the report discusses demographic data on all detentions and searches.
The report focuses on the eight largest law enforcement agencies in the state referred to as Wave 1. According to the report, officers collected data for over 1.8 million individuals who were stopped in a vehicle or as a pedestrian.
The agencies referred to in Wave 1, including the Los Angeles Police Department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California Highway Patrol, San Diego County Sheriff's Department, San Francisco Police Department, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, Riverside County Sheriff's Department, and the San Diego Police Department.
The report refers to the Kern County Sheriff's Office and Bakersfield Police Department as Wave 3. According to the report, KCSO reports that there were a total of 142 civilian complaints. However, only 3 reports alleging racial and identity profiling.
The Bakersfield Police Department reported that there were a total of 49 complaints, but no reports of alleged racial and identity profiling.
"Native American and Black individuals had the highest arrest rates and the lowest rates of citation," according to the report of the data collected by agencies in Wave 1.
The agencies in Wave 3 that includes KCSO and BPD, will begin collecting data on detentions and stops on January 1, 2021. However, all law enforcement agencies in California will have to report stop data by 2023.
Following the passing of the Racial and Identity Profiling Act in 2015, the Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board was created to address racial profiling in the state.
The report states the board hopes to, "improving racial and identity sensitivity in law enforcement with the hope of eliminating bias in policing".
The board must hold three meetings annually to discuss racial and identity profiling throughout the state, with one meeting in each subregion of the state. Members of the board represent various law enforcement agencies, civil and human rights organizations and academia.
For the full report, see the document below.
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