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Transportation officials to look at a plan for an L.A. to Las Vegas Amtrak service route

Reports: Amtrak to furlough nearly 2,000 workers starting in October

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — Proposed federal infrastructure funding has transportation planners taking another look at a Los Angeles to Las Vegas Passenger Route, that Amtrak stopped in 1997.

They're also examining a high-speed rail line along the interstate 15 corridor to Victorville.

But questions remain, sources say that President Biden's $2.3 trillion jobs bill would pay for for Amtrak's plan to expand service nationwide, and launch multiple new routes including one between Southern Nevada and Southern California.

The measure might also provide funding for Brightline West's Project to have trains whisking at up to 200 miles per hour, on a route generally along the congests interstate.