About 23ABC News KERO-TV BakersfieldStaff Bios


Brandon Johansen-MMJ

and last updated

Birthplace: Clovis, CA

Education: BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from Arizona State University

Current Position/Job Duties: Multimedia Journalist

Email: Brandon.Johansen@KERO.com

Twitter: @brandonjohansen

Facebook: facebook.com/BrandonJohansen23ABC

Previous Work Experience: Intern at Fox Sports Arizona

Joined 23ABCnews: January 2015

Role Models: Al Michaels, Walter Cronkite, Vin Scully.

Favorite Sports Teams: Los Angeles Dodgers, San Jose Sharks, Carolina Panthers (I like all shades of the color blue).

Favorite Music: Anything that would go well in a Mumford and Sons playlist.

Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Aliens.

Favorite Programs: 24, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad.

Favorite Books: Anything by Stephen King.

You're most likely to see me around town: Trying to find the best street tacos that Bakersfield has to offer.

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