SACRAMENTO, Calif. — ABC Director Jacob Appelsmith announced today ABC licensees paying annual renewal fees or penalties on late annual renewal fee payments have been given a 30-day grace period.
Applesmith's announcement comes after Gov. Newsom established an executive order that will provide tax, regulatory and licensing extensions for businesses.
ABC's announcement regards two areas, annual renewal fees, and licenses who owe the state penalty fees.
“We know businesses are hurting as they continue fighting to slow the spread of COVID -19,” said Appelsmith. “We hope this 30-day grace period will help them through this stretch as we all work together to help businesses and keep communities safe.”
Below is ABC's scheduling detailing the 30-day relief period for annual renewal fees.
Below is ABC’s schedule detailing the 30-day relief period for those who are late paying their annual renewal fees and owe penalties.
ABC released a document called Guidance by License Type to help the alcoholic beverage industry.
ABC is a department of the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency.