Monday all city swim pools will be opening for the summer.
Open swim hours are 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The locations will be open seven days a week.
You can take a dip at McMurtrey Aquatic Center, Silver Creek, Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr. pools.
McMurtrey Aquatic Center is $4 per person or $14 for a group of 4; June 5 - August 13.
Silver Creek Pool is $1 per person; June 5 - August 11.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. & Jefferson Pools $1 per person; June 5 - August 4.
Season Passes (Good at all city pools) are available at McMurtrey Aquatic Center only: Individual @ $49 or Family Pass (4 people) @ $160.
Special events and swim lessons will also be available, for more information click here.