A bill to reform bail in California, introduced by Rob Bonta (D-Oakland), will be heard before the California State Assembly’s Committee on Public Safety. It seeks to eliminate all financial conditions of bail, while implementing a “risk-based” computer system to inform judges which defendants they should release on their own recognizance and who to keep in jail.
AB 42 emulates the system created under the Obama Administration by former Attorney General Eric Holder. It is very similar to the one recently adopted in New Jersey, which took effect on January 1 of this year. Results in New Jersey so far have generated controversy, after reports of serious offenders committing repeat crimes while out on free bail. Law enforcement and other groups are now calling on state officials to re-visit bail reform.
Jeffrey Clayton, Executive Director of the American Bail Coalition, a non-profit organization that is committed to developing the most efficient means for the pretrial release of criminal defendants by reducing the financial impact on state government and taxpayers, while maximizing public safety.