SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Department of Motor Vehicles today announced that seniors 70 and older with an expiring driver license will receive a 120-day extension in the mail during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, those with safe driving records whose last DMV visit was 15 years ago will not be required to renew in person for the next 60 days and will be able to renew online or by mail.
“Today’s actions ensure hundreds of thousands of Californians can keep their driver license current while following the state’s stay at home request,” DMV Director Steve Gordon said. “The health and safety of our employees and customers is the DMV’s top priority. We encourage customers to take advantage of our online services whenever possible, including for eligible driver license or vehicle registration renewals.”
The DMV offers the options to use online services to request a duplicate driver's license.
Starting April 2, the Virtual Field Office, can process title transfers and vehicle registrations as well as other essential services that would normally be done in the office.