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Gov. Jerry Brown designates April 10 as Dolores Huerta Day


Dolores Huerta is best known for being a civil rights leader and community organizer. She is the first and only living person to hold this honor according to the Dolores Huerta Foundation. On Wednesday, Governor Jerry Brown designated April 10 Dolores Huerta Day. 

Dolores Huerta Day is a day to recognize Huerta's lifelong work from being a civil rights activist, community rights activist and community organizer as well as the co-founder and vice president of the United Farm Workers union. The state law is implemented to encourage schools to teach the students about Huerta and her life.

In a press release from the Dolores Huerta Foundation, Huerta commented on the honor.

“I’m happy to hear that our young learners will have the opportunity to learn more about social justice and civil rights because there is still a lot of work to do," Huerta said. "We have low-income communities with inequitable representation in local education. At the same time, they are facing tough anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric. This is all happening right in front of our faces."

Huerta said that in order to fight for fair representation, they need to continue to organize to empower communities. 

"This is how we are going to change the future for human rights and a fair and just society for all,” Huerta said.

Camila Chavez, Executive Director of the Dolores Huerta Foundation added that she believes the honor is appropriate for Huerta.

“I believe this is a fitting recognition for someone who has dedicated her life to empowering others and perfectly timed to uplift communities who are struggling to hold onto their basic human rights,” Chavez said.