BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — The Kern County Sheriff's Office will be holding a press conference regarding the manhunt for a man accused of killing a Northern California police officer.
Shortly after Christmas, Newman police Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was shot and killed while conducting a traffic stop.
KCSO will be holding their press conference at KCSO Headquarters on Norris Road in Oildale at 1 p.m. KCSO told 23ABC that the press conference will be "significant."
The Stanislaus Sheriff's Office, who is investigating Corporal Singh's death, will be holding a press conference today at 12 p.m. in Modesto.
Press Conference at 12:00 Noon today
Will be having press conference at 12:00 PM (noon) today at the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department located at 250 E Hackett Road, Modesto in regards to significant developments in the Newman investigation.
— Stanislaus Sheriff (@StanSheriff) December 28, 2018
Tune into our website and social platforms for the full press conference.