BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — On Monday, the Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative and its members, the Housing Authority of the County of Kern, Community Action Partnership of Kern, and Bakersfield Homeless Center, launched local programs to provide rent and mortgage payment assistance to residents affected by COVID-19.
Referrals, including self-referrals, to all programs can be made by calling 2-1-1.
“COVID-19 has upended the lives of many Kern County families and put many of our neighbors at risk of losing their homes,” said Stephen Pelz, executive director of HA and chair of the BKRHC Executive Board. “Thanks to the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern, our COVID-19 Rent and Mortgage Payment Assistance Programs will help ease some of the instability these households are experiencing, so they can focus on staying safe and healthy.”
To be eligible, individuals must reside in any city or unincorporated area in Kern County, pay 30% or more of their income towards housing and may have a household income of up to 80% the Area Median Income.
Applicants must pay 30% or more of their income towards housing and may have a household income of up to 80% of the Area Median Income, and individuals must have a rental contract or mortgage in their name.
Those who meet the program eligibility requirements will receive one-time assistance of up to $5,000 for rent or mortgage payments due between March and December.
Assistance is paid directly to the recipient’s landlord or mortgage company.
To apply for assistance or request more information, individuals should call 2- 1-1.