

Most stressed cities in California


While California may sound like a laid back state, there's plenty of stress to go around. The top most stressful cities in the state were named by Zippia and a few cities in Kern County make the list.

In order to measure stress, we selected a set of six criteria that reflect its root causes for most people and used them to look at the 428 places in California with a population over 5,000 according to the 2010-2014 American Community Survey:

Percentage of population with a long commute (over 30 minutes)
Unemployment Rate
Hours worked
Population density
Percentage of income spent on rent
Percentage of population without health insurance
The higher any of these were, the more stressed the people of the place are.

McFarland hits at 39, Delano at 131 and Bakersfield at 290. The list contains 428 places.

For a full list of cities click here: