

Chris Christie takes shot at Speaker position


On Thursday, House Republicans will hold a secret vote as they look to name a new Speaker of the House. 

Bakersfield Congressman Kevin McCarthy, currently the House Majority Leader, is considered to be the favorite to replace outgoing House Speaker John Boehner.

Over the weekend, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was on ABC's "This Week" talking to George Stephanopoulos talking about his bid to secure the GOP nomination as he runs for the presidency.

While touting his record as New Jersey's governor, Christie changed subjects mid-thought saying, "I've not only gotten things done like pension reform and tenure reform, which people said could never get done. But I've also vetoed more than 400 bills and every one of those bills has been sustained.

"That shows that I can keep the Republican party together," Christie said. "Maybe they should send me to the House caucus and I can help them with that."

Stephanopolous said, "You're not running for Speaker now, are you?"

Then Christie followed with this nugget: "I am not. I would rather jump off the Brooklyn Bridge than be in Congress."