According to Caliente Union School District Superintendent Kathleen Hansen, Piute Mountain School is back in session.
The school had been closed for nearly two weeks due to flooding and debris. The area that caused the greatest concern, two miles north of the school, has been repaired. However, there are still areas where flooding is going across the road.
"We are concerned and watching the approaching storm Friday," Hansen said in an email. "We will take one day at a time, insure students and staff are safe at all time.
Some students from Walker Basin are on Independent Study Packets because of the flooding and damage to Basin roads.
Hansen went on to say that the school has filled out a J-13 A form, a form that requests allowance of attendance because of emergency conditions, and will present that to the board, which will then be submitted to the Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS). Once they review it, the form will then be sent to the state requesting approval.
Piute Mountain did lose most of their school's milk, about $70 to $80 worth.