

Red light cameras catching more light runners


Whether red light cameras should stay or go has been a hot topic for Bakersfield residents the past few months. 

Bakersfield Police Department released data showing that the number of camera photos processed increased by 70% in December 2015 compared to December 2014. The amount of photos rose from just over 1,000 to well over 1,700.

Bakersfield's Photo Enforcement Program features cameras at 10 intersections in Bakersfield. Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road and Old River Road and Ming Avenue are the most recent additions after they were put in place late last year. 

Drivers say that the cameras cause them to use caution and think before they rush through an intersection when the light is changing.

"I think it makes you a little bit more mindful that you're actually on camera and it's just a little touch on your shoulder to keep you in the zone," said Deborah Alexander, a Bakersfield resident.