WATCH LIVE: Sabrina Limon trial continues. Watch day 11 and continue checking back for updates throughout the day here:
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 4:34 p.m.) Limon tells detectives it was her fault for telling Hearn where Robert was that day. Detectives tell her that she’s right on that, and that she’s holding information from them. They tell Limon they “couldn’t care less about her” and they only care about her kids.
Detectives: “If you don’t have anything for us I think we’ll take you to jail.”
Detectives handcuff Limon. Before she is escorted out, she asks the detectives if they have all the evidence if Hearn did it. Detectives repeatedly tell Limon they feel for her children and that they deserve a better mother than Limon.
3:58 p.m.: A wiretap plays between Det. Meyer and Limon. He tells her about murder scene video he was reviewing as well as going over secret witness tips. Det. Meyer says a “skinny white male” is seen driving a motorcycle away, and a tip says to look into someone named “Jon” who knew Robert.
Det. Meyer is asked about text messages he sent to Limon mid-November 2014, including videos and pictures of the suspect. He is then questioned about what was seized the day of Hearn’s arrest, and certain language he used with Limon in questioning.
4:30 p.m.: Court concludes for the day.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 3:38 p.m.) 3:23 p.m.: Court resumes after recess with Det. Meyer on the stand and the tape of questioning Limon continues playing.
“You wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have enough,” Detectives tell Limon. They repeatedly tell her she is involved and knows information that she is not telling them, but they say they have enough information as it is.
Detectives ask Limon if she planned to kill Robert. She says “No, oh my God, no.”
Detectives ask Limon if anybody in the world would have a reason to kill Robert besides Hearn, since they were having an affair. Limon doesn’t name anybody.
Detectives: “Who are you guys fooling here?” • Limon tells detectives divorce would have been an option for her, not murder.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 3:03 p.m.) Det. Meyer says it’s suspicious that Limon didn’t go to the crime scene when Robert was killed. She tells him that she couldn’t go.
Detectives tell Limon and Hearn will never be together, since he killed Robert and will go to prison. The detectives tell Limon they know she was in on the murder.
3:02 p.m.: Court takes 15 minute recess.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 2:49 p.m.) Det. Meyer is on the stand and is asked why on multiple occasions he left the interview room. He said he would go to a separate room to speak to other investigators.
He moved Limon to another room when Hearn arrived.
On that same day, Hearn told investigators he did not want to speak with them.
Investigators ask Limon for more information and she tells them she’s given them all she knows.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 2:09 p.m.) Sabrina says she doesn’t remember how she told Hearn where he worked.
Detectives got video of Hearn getting rid of his bike the day after they told Hearn that they were investigating him for murder not affair.
“I can’t believe it.” “I can’t believe that, ya know?” Limon said about Hearn.
Detective wants to talk about her conversations with him.
Court goes to lunch recess at 12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.: Court comes back from lunch recess. Limon’s interview is still playing. Det. Meyer tells her that this interview will prove a lot in their investigation.
She tells Meyer that when Hearn talked about what to say and what to do, it was in accordance to the affair, not a murder.
He brings up the time when she was on the phone with Hearn she they spoke about clicks in the background.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 11:32 a.m.) 10:41 a.m.: Court back in session. The DVD of the interview is playing without a problem.
Limon said she was attracted to Hearn because of his upbringing and lifestyle.
She states that her marriage with Robert was good overall but there were some things that “damaged” it. Robert was often distracted with friends and his phone and would come home drunk talking about divorce, she said.
Det. Meyer asked how Hearn knew Robert was working on the day he died. She states that there’s no way he could’ve done this.
11:31 a.m.: after Det. Meyer tells Limon that this was about Hearn killing her husband, he is seen stepping out of the interview room for a moment.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 10:20 a.m.) Limon said that she and Hearn would meet once or twice a week to have sex during her interview and admits to having an open relationship. They would have sex with other people at parties they went to.
She starts to cry during the interview because she doesn't want to dishonor Robert.
10:19 a.m.: Court goes to short recess due to technical difficulties with the interview.
UPDATE (SEPT. 26 9:58 a.m.) 9:25 a.m.: After a meeting between the judge and attorneys court is back in session for the 11th day of trial.
A video of Sabrina Limon’s interview with Det. Meyer is played for the jury. Limon is wearing a white jacket, boots and jeans. She is sitting with her arms and legs crossed.
Det. Meyer asked Limon about her time working at Costco and when she met Jonathan Hearn. She said Hearn would go to Costco two to three times a week
Limon said she gave Hearn her number after talking about going to a friend’s party. The relationship got sexual between six to eight months after that.
In the video a sample of Limon’s DNA is taken. The DNA technician tells Limon she’ll have to wash her hands after.