BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Hector Madrid was drafted in Vietnam at the age of 20 in 1970. He said after coming home, life had its ups and downs. One of those downs happened last year when he fell and injured his spine.
At the time of the fall, his home only had a bathtub, so doctors said they were afraid he would fall again getting in, so they did not want Madrid living at home. For more than a year, he lived in a care home, away from his wife.
Rebuilding Together Kern County stepped in, winning a grant to help upgrade his bathroom to a safer setup for Madrid. Starting Monday, construction began. The tub was removed and a shower with a seat and handle bars will be installed.
The project will be done this week, meaning Madrid will be able to move home in time for the holidays.
"There's no words for it. There's no words. I'm humble, I'm humble. Life is very good to me right now," said Madrid.