

Wasco is the cheapest city to rent in CA

and last updated

The cheapest city to rent a home in California is in Kern County. That's according to real estate website

Of every city in the state with a population of 15,000 or more, Wasco is the cheapest place to rent.

The median cost of rent is about $680 per month. Census surveys show that 2014 marked ten years of consecutive renter.

Household growth and the trend is on track to continue as more people are choosing to rent, even as they enter their "home-buying" years.       

When it comes to states with the cheapest rent, California comes in at 38. Several other cities around Kern County made the top 30 list for cheapest rent.

               That includes:

  •                 Lamont - averaging around $740 per month.
  •                 Oildale- averaging just over $800 a month for rent.
  •                 Ridgecrest with an average of about $860 per month.