
Teachers need help after four classrooms flooded

First graders are in need of books and supplies
and last updated

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Monday morning a pipe burst and flooded all four first grade classrooms at Leo B. Hart Elementary. Principal Daryl Newton said, "water was literally pouring out all of the classrooms." With one to two inches of water, everything on or the near the floor was ruined and had to be thrown away.

The school has taken off the baseboards, drilled holes into the walls and cabinets to dry out the water.

Before any child steps into the classrooms again Newton said they will have moisture and mold tests and will make sure everything is safe for the kids and the teachers. "Our goal is to get the kids back into the classrooms, as safe as we can but we will not let them back into the room until everything is clean and safe. We are hoping sometime next week that will happen," said Newton.

Newton and the first-grade teachers Mr. Celedon-Wilson, Ms. Hall, Mrs. Skuba and Mrs. Rimmer said they are grateful for the support from families, friends and the community. Everyone is so thankful for the generous $1,500 donation from Greenlawn Funeral Homes, Cremations and Cemeteries.

Teachers are still needing help replaces some additional items.
First Grade Wishlist:

  • Cardboard Cubbies
  • Carpet markers/sit spots
  • Rubbermaid tubs with lids
  • Gift cards for "Really Good Stuff"
  • Christmas picture books
  • Bookshelf to hold book baskets
  • Large Rugs
  • Cube Storage seats
  • Beanbag chairs
  • Post It 30 inch easel pads

For more information on how you can help and donate contact Leo B. Hart Elementary. 661-664-1296

“I would put my four first grade teachers, which I call them the first-grade team, up against any team in this district and the county. I think they are all wonderful they all care for their kids, the kids love them, and the parents love them. They are a great support system for each other," said Newton.