

Heatwave rages on

This historic heatwave shows no sign of stopping.
and last updated

Bakersfield hit 114° both Sunday and Monday, tying daily records both days.

The average temperature, which accounts for both the high and the low, for both days was 98°, tied for the second hottest ever recorded in Bakersfield.

Monday's high also puts us at or above 112° for three days in a row, something that hasn't happened since 1938.

To put it simply, it's extremely hot.

It's going to stay extremely hot, too.

The forecast high for Tuesday and Wednesday is 109°, slightly better than the past few days, but still very, very hot.

High temperatures are expected to climb again Thursday, with a high of 112°.

It looks like our heatwave may start to run out of steam soon, though.

While there's no truly cool weather in the forecast, highs by early next week look to be around 105°, down nearly 10° from the peak of the heat.

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