

Rain finally returns, more on the way

We're tracking two more storm systems on the way
7 day.PNG
and last updated

After 174 days without, measurable rain fell in Bakersfield Monday morning.

Though it was only 0.03" we're happy to see it.

The rain was a little more productive in other parts of the county, with Wofford Heights picking up over a tenth of an inch, and rain gauges near the Grapevine and Bear Valley Springs exceeding a quarter of an inch.

The best news as that more rain is possible soon!

For the next few days though, we can just enjoy cool, comfortable weather.

Expect sunshine, good air quality, and highs in the 70s in Bakersfield through Thursday.

After that, our weather gets more active again.

Our next storm system will swing through Kern County Friday in Saturday.

This system looks very similar to what we just went through.

Cooler temperatures and gusty winds seem likely, with a little light rain possible too.

The more interesting storm looks to be Sunday into Monday.

It's fair enough away that we can't get TOO excited as of yet, as details still have a lot of room to change, but this system represents our first real chance of rain this fall season, with some models indicating a good, soaking rain is possible.

Again, it's too early to say that's what we'll get, but we'll watch this storm closely, and keep you up to date as we get closer to the weekend.