FedEx said Thursday that the company is working with Turkish authorities and officials with Istanbul's international airport after one of its cargo planes, operated by FedEx Express, was seen making an emergency landing at Istanbul Airport on Wednesday morning. The plane was seen in video shared on social media attempting to use its back landing gear while dipping the nose of the plane at the front portion of the fuselage due to a front landing gear failure.
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FedEx said in a statement to Scripps News that Flight 6268 — a Boeing 767 traveling from Paris, France to Istanbul, Turkey — "experienced an issue during landing on Wednesday."
A representative for FedEx said there were no injuries to crew members on the cargo flight in the emergency landing. FedEx said in the statement, "We are coordinating with investigation authorities and will provide additional information as it is available."
Boeing directed all inquiries about the incident to FedEx, including questions from Scripps News about any technical records on the plane Boeing might have received.
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Boeing delivered the plane to FedEx in December 2014. The company lets operators oversee ongoing maintenance for airplanes that are put into operation after Boeing delivers the aircraft.
Turkish authorities launched an investigation into the incident later on Wednesday. After the emergency landing, the pilot and crew were evacuated. The runway where the emergency landing took place was closed off by Istanbul Airport authorities and the aircraft's removal from the tarmac began after the evacuations were complete.
Scripps News reached out to Turkey's Ministry of Transportation for more details on their investigation but didn't immediately receive a response.
On Thursday Turkish officials said 190 passengers and crew were safely evacuated from a Boeing 737-800 plane operated by the Turkey-based Corendon Airlines in the southern Turkey town of Alanya. The Turkish Transportation ministry said there was damage to the nose landing gear on that aircraft.