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Kern Medical Joins the Fight Against Human Trafficking with New Task Force


BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — Kern Medical invited the community to the launch of their task force, to help victims of human trafficking. Screening tool helps them identify and support patients who may be victims of trafficking.

  • Screening tool is implemented through the hospital's electronic medical records.
  • Once identify patients have the right to accept or deny the service or support.
  • Kern County officially makes January Human Trafficking Awareness Month


Human Trafficking is something that is known, but not often spoken about and it happens every day. I'm Eric J. Dockery your Bakersfield neighborhood reporter. Kern County is no exception to human trafficking. Now Kern Medical is joining the effort to fight against this disturbing issue.

The Kern County Board of Supervisors officially made the month of January Human Trafficking Awareness Month. It's an issue that happens on a daily basis and could be happening to a family member or friend. Now Kern Medical is joining the fight against human trafficking in our county.

Tonya Barraza Chief Nursing Officer said "We recently implemented a tool into our electronic medical record, that's a screening tool to screen anyone that we have suspicion of human trafficking. Once that screening tool is positive, or we think they could be a victim we reach out to our resources. Again sometimes they don't want to open up to us, but if we do identify them we can give them the help they need if they are willing to accept it."

On Thursday, Kern Medical launched its initiative aimed at identifying, protecting, and supporting victims of human trafficking by setting up a task force. Odessa Perkins knows the issue only too well.

Odessa Perkins a Human Trafficking Survivor
said "With this task force in place they'll know, this is a sign, this is a sign, and this can be going on. It's all coming full circle to see Kern Medical Center, a trauma center incorporating human trafficking task force. To help individuals that's key!"

Perkins was a victim of human trafficking, and she tells me "God has blessed her with a second chance." To help those victims who might be experiencing trauma but are too afraid to reach out. She will be a member of that task force for mentorship and guidance.

"Well, my son was born here 34 years ago. As I entered the hospital I was bruised and battered but no one ever asked the questions. We correlate domestic violence to human trafficking, but nobody ever asked the right questions, because it was hush type of situation." said Perkins

Kern Medical and other organizations are partnering to battle this ongoing problem. An organization called Kern Coalition Against Human Trafficking is another organization that works closely hand with trafficking issues and is offering their hands to support also.

Dustin Contreras Co-Director of The Kern Coalition Against Human Trafficking said "If they reach out to the national human trafficking hot line. That will make it to a whole group of people who can help them. They can remain anonymous even if they are a witness to human trafficking. If its something they need to do they can do that. Our organization is specifically for our victims here in Kern County."

If you or someone you know is going through a situation that could involve human trafficking you can reach out to 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 2337333 (BEFREE) it's a 24hr hot line that will navigate you to the right organization.

"That's the reason God kept me. Like I said my statistics say I'm supposed to be dead, in jail, a prostitute or a drug addicted and I'm not either. He kept me that whole time. If a survivor or current victim see's someone who wasn't in there shoes they would probably not want to speak. But when I come in, and let them know I experienced the same thing they are going through. I tell them that you can get to the other side." said Perkins

Again, remember... If you see something suspicious that may be human trafficking, please reach out and notify law enforcement. Your call could help save lives.
For 23ABC I'm Eric J. Dockery your Bakersfield neighborhood reporter.

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