KERN COUNTY — The Water Association of Kern County is holding its fifth annual Water Summit Tuesday to talk about critical issues impacting the community.
The event will be virtual, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Association will highlight the importance of water growth and sustainability, and current challenges state water managers are facing.
The event is designed for all community leaders, business owners, farmers, and government officials.
The keynote speaker for the event will be Mark Arax, Award Winning Journalist and Author of ‘The Dreamt Land; Chasing Water and Dust Across California.
Tickets cost $75 for members and $100 for non-members, you can purchase them here.
Conference schedule:
Welcome & the Importance of Water Conservation
Biden Administration update on Federal Water
Camille Touton, Deputy Commissioner Bureau of Reclamation SGMA review: Where are we?
Steven Springhorn, Acting Deputy Director Groundwater Management Department of Water Resources
Water Rights: views regarding the recent report “Effective Water Rights Response to Climate Change”.
Joaquin Esquivel, Chair State Water Resources Control Board
Valerie Kincaid, Water Law Attorney
History of Water in the West: overview of the recent book, water rights and it’s role in the Central Valley
Mark Arax, Award Winning Journalist & Author