BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — New information has come out in documents released by the Bakersfield Police Department in the New Year's Eve accident that cost the lives of three people.
Bakersfield police got a call just after 11 p.m. of a single-car crash in the 11700 block of Brimhall Road on New Year's Eve. Investigators initially said that a white Toyota Avalon driven by 20-year-old Adam Montgomery Teasdale was headed eastbound when he lost control and hit a tree in the center divider. Three passengers in the back car were ejected from the vehicle and died at the scene.
Teasdale and the passenger in the front seat received minor injuries and were taken to a hospital.
According to a witness who was interviewed by police, Teasdale was walking in circles near the accident saying "I just killed my friends."

UPDATE: Driver in fatal New Year's Eve crash pleaded not guilty
Among those killed in the accident were 20-year-old Andrew Nicholas Ortiz, 20-year-old Devin Lee Atha, and 20-year-old Timothy Michael Wilson. The name of the passenger who survived the crash was not available.
According to the documents, when officers arrived on the scene they found the Avalon near the center of the roadway with damage to the driver's side. Three yellow sheets covered bodies in the eastbound lane of Brimhall Road. They also observed "multiple alcoholic beverage containers strewn about the scene, and inside the vehicle [he] observed "whip it" canisters strewn about the scene and inside the vehicle."
According to, a website run by Advanced Recovery Systems, "Whippits, sometimes spelled whippets or whip-its, are cartridges of nitrous oxide used to charge whipped cream dispensers. Some people misuse whippits to get high. Like other inhalants, nitrous oxide can cause serious side effects, including addiction."
Teasdale refused to take any field sobriety tests at the scene and would only consent to a blood draw if he was arrested. One officer stated that Teasdale "displayed sings of being under the influence of alcohol."
Teasdale was later transported to Kern Medical where blood was drawn. However, the results of that test were not available.
During the blood draw, Teasdale stated "why did I swerve."
According to the Kern County Superior Court, Teasdale was charged with three counts of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and one charge of driving under the influence.
On January 5th, Teasdale pleaded not guilty to three counts of vehicular manslaughter and one count of driving under the influence.
Teasdale, 20, is due back in court on Jan. 26.