NewsKern's Kindness


High school student becomes Houchin Blood Bank spokesperson

"This is a lifelong commitment.”

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Hallie Keese was eleven years old when blood donations saved her life after an accident.

“I’ve had my own blood transfusions and I have witnessed firsthand how important they are and the importance it has in our community” she said.

Now as a junior at Liberty High, she’s serving as Houchin Community Blood Bank’s first ever high school spokesperson.

“My role with Houchin is to kind of motivate and excite peers my age to go donate blood and take that active role in the community,” said Hallie.

She wants everyone, but especially people her age, to know how easy it is to have blood drawn.

“If you’re a little nervous, it’s only a pinch and it only lasts [about] eight minutes,” said Hallie.

And the entire appointment only takes around 30 to 45 minutes.

Hallie is challenging all eligible high school students to donate this school year, although adults are encouraged to accept her challenge as well.

“The supply and demand is way off considering what we have," she said. "There is an unlimited supply of blood. We just have to make it unlimited and take that initiative to come in and donate blood.”

Hallie said she hopes people will see donations are always needed.

“It isn’t just something you do one time," she said. "It's more of a routine you should make as a civil duty to your peers and community."

She’s serving as the high school spokesperson for the current school year but Hallie said that’s just the beginning.

“I continue to work with Houchin and donate for the rest of my life," she said. "Lifelong. This is a lifelong commitment.”

There are multiple mobile blood drives happening at high schools around Kern County this year or you can always stop by the blood bank.

Click here to book an appointment or see the mobile drive schedule.