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High School students honor those who died on September 11

BHS ROTC for 9/11 September 10, 2021
and last updated

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — Schools across the Kern High School District commemorated September 11 to honor those who lost their lives 20 years ago.

Arvin High School, Bakersfield High School, and South High School each took a moment out of their school day to remember those who are no longer with us.

Bakersfield high school students met at this flagpole earlier today to honor those who lost their lives 20 years ago leaving behind this wreath as a tribute to the victims and families of September 11.

“There has been so many people who have died for this country and it’s just an honor to represent them and be able to wear what they wear and just honor their being, their life that is why I do this,” said Victoria Arriaga a senior at BHS and apart of ROTC.

Arriaga was not even alive when the US was attacked on September 11 but she still feels the impact of the tragedy. Other ROTC students like Brenda Solis agreed and believe younger generations mustn’t forget the events 20 years ago.

“Learning about what happened that day means to me trying to prevent another situation like that from happening and also to like help those families that didn't get their justice during that time,” said Solis.

Retired 1st Sergeant Cornell Herrington at South High School echoed students’ sentiments said the gravity of that day weighed heavily on students learning about September 11.

“As horrific as it was when they saw what happened the students for a good 30 seconds after the video stopped, they were breathless, you didn't hear a pen drop,” said Herrington.

Last year due to COVID the students were not able to gather so Arriaga said this year felt more special.

“It was incredible, incredible. We usually can’t get together we all have different ideals and stuff but today when everyone was together and just silent and all of us mourned and remembered them, that, it was beautiful,” said Arriaga.